DV Director - Shooting Producer

Christmas Floods


Severe flooding has swept the South East of England with impeccable timing. It all started on the eve of Christmas Eve (Monday 23rd December), leaving commuters in a bind with train delays and cancellations, homes without power and waterlogged roads and buildings. It’s a real shame that people have had their Christmas’ put in such a pickle, although I suppose bad things never comes at a good time. Anyway, on Christmas Day, I ventured out with the folks to check out the extent of what was going on in my lovely little Godalming and surrounding area of Farncombe and Guildford….Keep reading >>

Fashion Shoot: The Alternative Store


It’s been almost 2 years since I last shot any fashion. A combination of lack of opportunities for it a lack of self confidence in this area to actively go looking for it. As a filmmaker, photography has always played second fiddle so I’ve never committed to photographing anything that requires too much planning because, to me, that’s what filmmaking is. Photography is the fun stuff, and that’s why my photos are very photojournalism-esque with people & places already there. I turn up as the final element to capture what’s on offer and that’s that. But I’m the first to…Keep reading >>