DV Director - Shooting Producer

How I ended up filming in Las Vegas…


One of the craziest things in my filmmaking career so far has to be a mind-blowing offer to go and film in Las Vegas. I just wanted to share a little blog about how it happened, mostly as an excuse to show you some photos. But I hope that you find some kind of message in here about patience, faith and the art of putting yourself out there, because all of this came about because of a little snowboard film I made two years before. It all happened really fast. I was offered the shoot in early February and two…Keep reading >>

Back & Alive


Just a quick post to let y’all know I’m alive. Haven’t blogged because of a combination of travelling and the start of my final year at University. So here’s a few highlights of what I’ve been doing and from here on in, I’ll blog each event, just like I used to. Did I ever do that? Dunno, but I will.  USA | August – September. I’ve always been fascinated by the States but had never been. So this summer I worked my nuts off, saved up and splurged it all on a month of frolics. Went to NY, then hired a…Keep reading >>