DV Director - Shooting Producer



On a cold, clear day this winter I spent a few hours with ambulance staff on strike in Bristol (part of the South Western Ambulance Service). As passing cars and passers by made their support known, I took a few photos and scribbled down some words. Thanks to everyone who made me feel welcome and more importantly, thanks to everyone in the ambulance service, and health and social care professions, for doing a difficult job at a difficult time. A difficult time which has lasted far too long. Tarin, Lead Paramedic It’s actually been quieter on strike days. It’s not…Keep reading >>

Photographing Georgina Davy


These pictures are of my friend and artist Georgina Davy. She makes beautiful, often strange, but always wonderful costumes and puppets. I don’t think she realises just how excellent she is. The making of the costumes must be painstaking. The beasts she makes require not only imagination but also nimble-fingered wizardry and a monk-like patience I could only dream of having.  In 2016, I had designs of starting a photo project about artists working in and around Sheffield when I lived there and Georgina let me take the first batch of photos of her. I remember it was a hot…Keep reading >>

On, on a roll.


On a roll is a project I cooked up when I did a quick photoshoot last year on a single roll of film. I was inspired by how much more I could get out of 24 / 36 shots taken on a roll of film than on a memory card in my digital camera. I shoot less and, I think, I shoot better. I’m not going to launch an enquiry into why; Do I think more because there a fewer shots available? Does the look of film simply suit my taste more, leading me to think it somehow better than…Keep reading >>

How I ended up filming in Las Vegas…


One of the craziest things in my filmmaking career so far has to be a mind-blowing offer to go and film in Las Vegas. I just wanted to share a little blog about how it happened, mostly as an excuse to show you some photos. But I hope that you find some kind of message in here about patience, faith and the art of putting yourself out there, because all of this came about because of a little snowboard film I made two years before. It all happened really fast. I was offered the shoot in early February and two…Keep reading >>

Instant Cameras


I love Instant Photography. To me, it’s magic. It’s not some hipster gimmick, it’s something I always liked and not long after I got into photography some 4 years ago, I quickly bought my first Polaroid camera. Yup, that’s before Instagram, folks. Well, before it got huge anyway.  This is my Polaroid Spectra 1200si. It cost me about £30 from eBay. The film for it has always been pricey via The Impossible Project but I used to find deals on eBay for old expired film. But there’s less and less old film and more and more from the Impossible Project….Keep reading >>