DV Director - Shooting Producer

Man of Steel – Quick Review


Blockbusters are seen by so many people with reviews floating around in every paper and on every blog that I’ll try not to spend too much time on in depth reviews of these films, because chances are you’ll already have heard most of what’s kicking around. I’ll try to focus my words on the smaller, less press friendly films. That said, I do love a good blockbuster and I’ll always have an opinion on them too so instead of an all out ban, I’ll try a ‘quick hit’ approach, throwing out some of my main thoughts in one stream of…Keep reading >>

Preview: The Iceman (UK Release: 7th June)


Synopsis | “The true story of Richard Kuklinski, the notorious contract killer and family man. When finally arrested in 1986, neither his wife nor daughters have any clue about his real profession.” I get fixated on certain films before they’re released, I don’t know why or how, there’s just that obsessive fan inside me that loves getting hyped on a film. It’s a good thing and the day I lose that intrigue and excitement is the day that I should probably stop trying to be a filmmaker. You’ve got to get excited about what you do, and for what I do,…Keep reading >>