DV Director - Shooting Producer

Rolleiflex #001


First photos from my Rolleiflex (at long last…) I bought a Rolleiflex 2.8 F to start my year (2019 ya). For a long time it sat there sniggering at me. It wasn’t really, duh – I just didn’t have the balls to take it for a spin. I went to Scotland with my dear George (pictured) and brought it – – but it stayed in the hotel room blindfolded with bubble wrap – – it was too precious; too tricky; too scary; too everything everything to sling it over my shoulder and let it breathe the cutting Scottish February air…Keep reading >>

Launch: Mini-docs.


Today, I’m launching a mini-documentary project loosely titled “Persons, Places & Passions” celebrating people Sheffield, past or present and the surrounding areas. Allow me to introduce the first film: It’s 7am on this cold December morning and Ben Cherry is waiting for the sun to rise so he can photograph the famous Curbar edge, in the Peak District. I stand back and observe him as he works. This is my quiet portrait of him as he explores that which he holds dearest; photography and nature and the tools with which he does so. There’s no message or moral to this…Keep reading >>

On, on a roll.


On a roll is a project I cooked up when I did a quick photoshoot last year on a single roll of film. I was inspired by how much more I could get out of 24 / 36 shots taken on a roll of film than on a memory card in my digital camera. I shoot less and, I think, I shoot better. I’m not going to launch an enquiry into why; Do I think more because there a fewer shots available? Does the look of film simply suit my taste more, leading me to think it somehow better than…Keep reading >>

Photography Exhibitions in July.


I’m not a big gallery hopper but since last summer I’ve started going to more and more so I thought I’d share the odd trip and hopefully inspire you to go and see photos hanging on real walls instead of facebook walls. All of the exhibitions here listed are FREE  and down to earth; simply because I can’t afford to pay nor can I afford to spend the time peeling back layers of irony all that yucky mumbojumbo associated with art. I simply want to see good photography, that’s all. Here are three exhibitions I went to recently.  Bob Mazzer –…Keep reading >>

Instant Cameras


I love Instant Photography. To me, it’s magic. It’s not some hipster gimmick, it’s something I always liked and not long after I got into photography some 4 years ago, I quickly bought my first Polaroid camera. Yup, that’s before Instagram, folks. Well, before it got huge anyway.  This is my Polaroid Spectra 1200si. It cost me about £30 from eBay. The film for it has always been pricey via The Impossible Project but I used to find deals on eBay for old expired film. But there’s less and less old film and more and more from the Impossible Project….Keep reading >>

Christmas Floods


Severe flooding has swept the South East of England with impeccable timing. It all started on the eve of Christmas Eve (Monday 23rd December), leaving commuters in a bind with train delays and cancellations, homes without power and waterlogged roads and buildings. It’s a real shame that people have had their Christmas’ put in such a pickle, although I suppose bad things never comes at a good time. Anyway, on Christmas Day, I ventured out with the folks to check out the extent of what was going on in my lovely little Godalming and surrounding area of Farncombe and Guildford….Keep reading >>

Fashion Shoot: The Alternative Store


It’s been almost 2 years since I last shot any fashion. A combination of lack of opportunities for it a lack of self confidence in this area to actively go looking for it. As a filmmaker, photography has always played second fiddle so I’ve never committed to photographing anything that requires too much planning because, to me, that’s what filmmaking is. Photography is the fun stuff, and that’s why my photos are very photojournalism-esque with people & places already there. I turn up as the final element to capture what’s on offer and that’s that. But I’m the first to…Keep reading >>