DV Director - Shooting Producer

On, on a roll.


On a roll is a project I cooked up when I did a quick photoshoot last year on a single roll of film. I was inspired by how much more I could get out of 24 / 36 shots taken on a roll of film than on a memory card in my digital camera. I shoot less and, I think, I shoot better. I’m not going to launch an enquiry into why; Do I think more because there a fewer shots available? Does the look of film simply suit my taste more, leading me to think it somehow better than…Keep reading >>

10 steps to making your own office.


Step 1 Make a friend who has a room spare in a shop on a street in a prime location. In this case, The Alternative Store on Division Street, Sheffield. Thanks folks!   Step 2 Offer them something in return for the spare room they never use, such as, cleaning out said room they never use.  Step 3 Box up all the old stock, ready to go to the warehouse and free up space. Step 4 (optional) Go abroad, leaving your co-collaborator to do all the hard work of actually clearing up and taking boxes to the warehouse. Step 5 Hide your delight at…Keep reading >>

Photography Exhibitions in July.


I’m not a big gallery hopper but since last summer I’ve started going to more and more so I thought I’d share the odd trip and hopefully inspire you to go and see photos hanging on real walls instead of facebook walls. All of the exhibitions here listed are FREE  and down to earth; simply because I can’t afford to pay nor can I afford to spend the time peeling back layers of irony all that yucky mumbojumbo associated with art. I simply want to see good photography, that’s all. Here are three exhibitions I went to recently.  Bob Mazzer –…Keep reading >>

Back & Alive


Just a quick post to let y’all know I’m alive. Haven’t blogged because of a combination of travelling and the start of my final year at University. So here’s a few highlights of what I’ve been doing and from here on in, I’ll blog each event, just like I used to. Did I ever do that? Dunno, but I will.  USA | August – September. I’ve always been fascinated by the States but had never been. So this summer I worked my nuts off, saved up and splurged it all on a month of frolics. Went to NY, then hired a…Keep reading >>